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Retirement Planning

Have you considered what will you do after getting retired? Of course, you are not going to work lifelong. There comes a time, when you want to sit- back and relax, spend quality time with family, and pursue hobbies that you have long discarded. But the problem you have to deal with is the finances. How will you afford the expenses, without having any steady flow of income? This is where you need to look ahead and plan accordingly.
What about financial planning? And with whom?
Preparing for your retirement is a crucial step, and this is where Financial Logic comes into play.
retirement investment advice Muskoka

Why Retirement Planning Matters?

When people plan for retirement, they visualize themselves as free and relaxed individuals. However, to be able to realize this dream, it does not come without proper planning and good financial management.
Retirement planning would therefore put in place a financial plan that would cater for your source of income during your retirement, your medical expenses and anything you feel that you would like to do but could not due to financial constraints. If you start preparing early and make the right choices, then you get relief that your future is safe with you.

Our Approach to Retirement Planning

At Financial Logic, we adopt a conservative and more realistic approach as far as retirement planning is concerned. Being an investment firm that has been in existence for over three decades, our objective is to design portfolios that meet growth and income requirements. This approach assists in the creation of long-lasting money as opposed to the creation of non-recurring money.

Key Elements of Effective Retirement Planning

Savings and Investments : To have a good retirement period everyone is supposed to have savings as well as investment. Here we guide you on what proportion to take between the risks and the returns, so your portfolio will continue to be profitable in the future.
Healthcare Costs : Health care costs could be one of the biggest expenses after retirement. We factor possible health-related expenses into your retirement planning so you can be ready for the unplanned incidents and have the right plan for your medical needs.
Estate Planning : A proper estate planning means that your assets will be passed on to the intended beneficiaries with little or no taxes paid and those who will benefit. We can help you to draw up wills, trusts and other legal documents along with other necessary papers.

The Financial Logic Difference

What makes Financial Logic different is the focus on individual approach combined with professional knowledge of the financial market. Roch Beaulieu has been assisting clients in solving their financial problems for more than 30 years. He holds certifications in financial planning, elder planning, and securities, which makes him a highly knowledgeable professional. As such, you can always rely on his expertise.
Moreover, success stories of our clients are the best testimony to our competence. We have assisted countless individuals in the GTA and Muskoka realize their retirement visions. We have also adopted a conservative investment strategy to make certain that the clients are able to live their retirement period without any worry.

Start Your Retirement Planning Today

It is important not to wait for the time when the situation gets out of control. As one would learn, it is recommended to start saving for retirement as soon as possible in order to get a well-preserved future. Whether you are fresh into your company, middle-aged or are only thinking about retirement, we are Financial Logic for you.
Take control of your life now and get started. For more information on how you can make use of our services in reference to your retirement needs, please contact us. Saving for your retirement is not just about collection of finances but it is also a plan for your future in life. Financial Logic is here to assist you during this process and to explain the nuances of planning ahead for your future. If you are interested and wish to know more, feel free to reach out to us.

Retirement portfolio evolution

Source: Fidelity Investments Canada ULC. For illustration purposes only.

Source: Fidelity Investments Canada ULC. For illustration purposes only.

Source: Fidelity Investments Canada ULC. For illustration purposes only.

It’s very important to review your retirement plan on a regular basis. Remember that your financial situation can change suddenly. And beyond world-changing events, the rhythm of life is full of financial ups and downs – these include job loss, serious illness or sudden windfalls like an inheritance. Retirement planning provides you with space to adjust your expectations and your actions.
While it’s important to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible to make sure you are in control of your retirement destiny, it doesn’t hurt to seek help. You could consider working with a financial planner to help build your retirement plan.

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